Thanks for a great Christmas Party to our Party Committee Lynda Moffett and Joy Bowman Dinner at the Mandarin Dinner at the Mandarin Dinner at the Mandarin Our President distributing 2023 Calendars Calendar creator Vicki Halliday hands out calendars too. Mileage award for David Jones 4218 kms in his 2002 Jaguar XK8 Jim Martin created the permanent Mileage Award in honour of Kevin Pesant. Chuck Baby Award for Joy and Bruce Bowman From the gift exchange for Cheryl Martin What was inside the bag for Cheryl Martin More of what was inside the bag for Cheryl Martin Donna Rankin's surprise from the gift exchange Vicki Mowers gets a gift too Your 2023 NBCC Executive Co-Sectreaties Mike Hupel and Dona Rankin Co-Presidents Sean Nokoneczny and Vicki Halliday Vice President Lynda Moffett Treasurer Pete Moffett